Vastu Vidya

Energetic Harmony

Increase Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

The Ancient science of placement

 We are surrounded by energy fields. In an open ground, the energies operate freely but when a structure is built, the energy fields are affected and have to be restored. When this is achieved in a proper manner, a harmonious flow of energy permeates the building. This has a positive effect on the people occupying it and a bearing on health and prosperity.

Space as Living Being

A field of subtle energies is formed by the borders — walls, fences or simply legal borders — of a plot, which is called Vastu in Sanskrit. The square is the ideal form in which an energy field can form in harmony. This energy field represents the conscious space, which according to the Vedic philosophy is regarded as a demigod. This living being is called Vastu Purusha and has his head in the Northeast and his feet in the southwest. Thus the southwest — northeast diagonal is of utmost importance in Vastu. His most prominent energy centres or chakras are located on this diagonal and form very sensitive energetic points of the energy field that is expanding in the whole building. In the centre of the mandala dwells the creator and architect of the universe, this centre is called the Brahmasthana.

Whereas the Northeast is considered the entrance of the energies into space, the centre or Brahmasthana is the place through which all the other areas interact and influence each other energetically. In the Brahmasthana, which corresponds to the navel of Vastu
Purusha, is a substantial whirl through which cosmic energy flows into the square. From there it flows towards the Northeast, to the head of Vastu Purusha, and then rises again. On the opposite side, the energies that flow towards the southwest push down. They connect to the earth and form the foundation, which supplies the stability and connectedness of matter. It is very important to keep the central area of a building as light, pure and open as possible. In Vastu the Brahmasthana is traditionally left open as a courtyard.

The Great Science of Vastu

The great science of Vastu originated in India. Vastu is part of the Stapatya Veda, which comes from the Atharva Veda, which is one of the four Vedas. The Vedas are the oldest writings on India’s ancient history, science, philosophy, and culture. Five thousand years ago, the great sage Srila Vyasadeva compiled the four Vedas, which contain millions of verses.
The word “Veda” means complete knowledge, and the original Veda was spoken to Lord Brahma by God at the time of the material creation trillions of years ago. According to Vedic world history, prior to 5000 years ago, books were not required: the memories of the people were so powerful that they could remember all they had heard throughout most of their lives.

As Einstein proved with his formula E=mc2 *, everything in existence, sentient and non-sentient, is ultimately a field of energy. We are surrounded by energy fields. In an open ground, the energies operate freely but when a structure is built, the energy fields are affected and have to be restored. When this is achieved in a proper manner, a harmonious flow of energy permeates the building. This has a positive effect on the people occupying it and a bearing on health and prosperity.

Vastu (with a short a) is the pure, subtle energy that underlies everything, while Vāstu (with a long a) is the manifestation of that energy as matter. Vāstu-Vidyā is Sanskrit meaning “the science of structures.”

It is a traditional science of architecture that guides the design and construction of buildings in harmony with the laws of nature and the universe.

All structures, whether it is a building, a statue, a fence or a piece of furniture, a form of art or a piece of music, have their own subtle energy. Vastu is the science, which shows us how to work with these energy fields, and guides us how to arrange structures so that their underlying fields of energy are beneficially manipulated according to direction and proportion.

Vastu relates also to factors like the surrounding landscape and interior decoration. The science of Vastu describes desirable sizes and locations for doors and windows, furniture arrangements, and colour schemes.

According to Vastu a structure is full of life force. It teaches us how to make structures that have rhythm and beauty, which vibrate perfectly with nature and the universe. At the same time, the science of Vastu is based on Vedic mathematics, one of the most advanced forms of knowledge in our universe.

Vedic texts describe how the world 5,000 years ago did not have anywhere near the amount of diseases and problems that we face today. Without machines and endless pollution, they built beautiful houses and cities which were auspicious places to live in, all according to the science of Vāstu, the ancient Vedic art of living in perfect harmony with nature.